About us

We are a company located in Miami, Florida, with an office in Connecticut. We are focusing our business on frozen seafood import and commercialization into the US.

The partner companies are people with a marked experience in the frozen seafood sector and therefore contribute to the new Morrigan Trading project with the aim of growing in which is the most important consumer market in the world. The American market.

We are specialized in processing, marketing and commercialization of octopus (octopus vulgaris) from Spain and Portugal. Among other products we trade, supplied by our partners, you can find: Giant squid, Vannamei shrimp, Red wild shrimp and mahi-mahi.

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We specialize in Octopus, mainly Octopus Vulgaris. We are looking for a sustainable product, this is our commitment.

These species belong to the family of cephalopods. They are fished along the Atlantic coast of Spain and Portugal, North Africa and the Mediterranean coast.


Our octopus comes from the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, fished with artisanal methods in the FAO 27, FAO 34 and FAO 37 areas. The octopus in these areas are considered as the highest quality in the world, due to its size, texture and flavor.

For its nutritional benefits

For its sustainability

For its productivity and trade

With our partners

The octopus has beneficial properties for health due to its great nutritional content. It is rich in Vitamins B3 and B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids. As well as a high content of sodium and potassium. Our Octopus maintains all the guarantees of quality and freshness of a fresh raw material, obtained with traditional fishing methods.


We scrupulously respect the good practices of our suppliers and all the agents that intervene along the supply chain. Several times in a year, octopus fishing is subject to stops for biological reasons and the maintenance of the fishing resource for the octopus to evolve naturally in its environment, as well as for a suitable and traditional business and social activity, The one that many people depend on.

The fishing improvement projects are currently under development for the octopus. This will result in future certification of the sustainability of our species.

Processed in our factory with all the guarantees of quality and freshness of a raw material obtained from artisanal techniques. The artisanal techniques allow a good treatment of the fish extracted from the sea with restrictive fishing methods, with periods of closure for the correct regeneration of the species. They are characterized by their freshness and immediate and daily access from the fish markets to the reprocessing plants.

The same frozen or fresh product arrives at our plant in Spain and Portugal for the subsequent process until its final packaging and is labeled with the brand of our client or our own Naoga brand. All the steps of this process are under the strictest quality standards in its elaboration process

Our partners contribute with all those products that we offer to our customers. As well as knowledge and professionalism at each stage of the process. From the purchase of raw materials at origin, their processing in our factories and export to our market. In our proximity, we are taking care of bringing it to all of our customers.

Our Partners

Our brands make us different.

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